Thanks to as well the organisers as to the people that did their best to "be there".
Some pictures:

Might be called an euphemisme but quite some time of the meetings is spend on "socialising". |
This picture of Geoff was mandatory: as he attended to the meeting in his Sabre-4 my car wasn't the ugliest one. Thanks Geoff. |
Saturday we visited the museum conected to the circuit of Zolder. Luc & Monique ... thee organisers are listening attentively during the visit. |
Sabras on the circuit:
Quite a surprise it was!
How is it possible that such a strong battery-wire can break. And why just here???
Best moment to break is whith lots of Sabr specialists in the neighbourhood.
Smaller convoy-problems...(Why didn't the drivers in the end of the queue drive faster???) But in the end we were parked in anive line-up for the sirop factory. |
In between a picture of the "new-ones", first time they attend to the Sabra/Sabre meeting (with this car).

Peter (HT 4804) finished a marvellous job...his page must be renewed urgently. |

The prototype ... very close to the Ashley design. |

Marvellous cars on the spot at De parking lot of Soete Wey. |

Marvellous things on the plates of Soete-Wey, nice delicat, congratulations. |

50 years: special cake recquired!

Nice line-up of cars and passengers in front of the Bokrijk Castle. |
The only Sabra missing untill now is Luc's. But if a core plug blows the day before the meeting ... Car is close to ready now and Luc & Monique got addicted to castles I presume. |

Next week:
(foto André Delouvroy)