
Easy: the Sabra cactus and the
Sword |


to make life more complicated: In Tamworth they had made their "Sabra"-text,
and in Haïfa they had made their own so the Tamworth-made Sabras had this
(below) "Sabra" on the dashboard and/or on the rear of the car,
though as (we think) later Haïfa cars had two "Sabras": one
"Sabra" on the dashboard and the NOT-GTs had one on the rear of
the car too, the earlyer models often had only one "Sabra". We
presume this is the "Tamworth - Sabra -text: 
Haïfa-cars had the left (on light-blue brackground) "Sabra"
as Tamworth - cars had this - right above(on black background)
"Sabra". This shows a change of style, and one notices there has
been communication about it but not detailed enough (to make them
identical), and clear that for the "Sabre", Tamworth chose it's
own style. |
The Sabra-name in evidence influenced Tamworth to name
the Sabre Sabre which obviously lead to the Scimitar


For now it's unknown from which time this steering
wheel was used. It's a "Les Leston"-wheel. Les
Leston (car-racer) is told to be the first person that understood
that a three-spoked-wheel didn't have to have it's spokes at
120°. As the above design shows this steering wheel allows
better visibility as well on the road as on the instruments. With
the first (certainly the first Tamworth-) cars the steering wheel
had (as is shown in the manual) kind of thumb-rests on the
horizontal spokes. It's uncertain when they changed modell.
On these wheels you have a (on this picture invisible) "LL"-engraving.
(this is 4847) |
Certainly with the first Tamworth-modells Reliant used
this steering-wheel. It's "Les Leston" with
thumbrests. later (we don't know from when) the thumbrests weren't
cut out anymore. The steering wheel is fragile and shouldn't
be used to pull yourself out of the car if you're over 100
pounds. Some day ?? Reliant changed from the RH-modell to the
LH modell, we don't know when. Perhaps because the machining
of the wheels took too much time (and money?). We don't know who
made the wheels: Reliant or an other factory. No mentioning of
"LL" (Les Leston) on this wheel but it has a checkered
flag below on the vertical spoke (this is 200001). |


MKII Sabras fill the radiator from a cap pointing up and
rear from the radiator. It is impossible to remove all air from the
cooling-system. (Take care pictures L-R converted.) |
MKI Sabras en Sabres (certainly first 50) had an
expansion-tank on the highest spot. Not continued perhaps because
with some messing around the expansion-tank was not really needed. |


Somewhere between S200105 en S200160 the Sabra - Sabre
front-suspension became adjustable. If you loosen the bolts that fix
the upper part of damper and spring to the frame, with the vertical bolt
above you can adjust the front of the Sabra up or down. We wonder if this
change was also applied on Israeli-MK I- Sabra's (lack of pictures). |
Certainly the first 100-odd Tamworth - Sabras - Sabres
had a fixed front-suspension. Though with later repairs the fixed
fastening was often replaced with an adjustable one. |


The form of the flailing-arms changed too: MKII, someone
decided to make the bend in the tube less flexible... |
MK I the strengthening of the tube is not as wide: |




MKII Sabras have different hinges, the rotating point of the
hinges is +/- 5cm more to the front of the car and the hinge itself
prevents the door from opening too far, a small bulb in the hinge should
is to keep the door in the "open" position. |
MKI Sabras and Sabres have flat hinges, with a separate
device to prevent the doors from opening too far (door check link). Don't know if this held the door open
too (If you know...contact) |


MKII Sabras differ also(from the earlyer ones) concerning
the upper front part of the doors and how they fit to dashboard and front
post. |
MKI Sabras and Sabres have kind of a nose sticking out to
the inside of the car where the door fits to dashboard and door post, this
also has an implication on the form of the edges of the dashboard. |


Idem, door closed now; notice also the different inner
door finishing


Austin A40 -lens |
Alfa Romeo lens |


Inner door trim lies totally winthin the door. |
Upper side of the trim covers the top of the door and
reaches the door glass. |


Round rear wheel arches with rim, wire wheels |
Square, flat rear wheel arches, pressed steel wheels. |


Integrated reflectors, wide space for the numberplate |
Separate reflectors narrow space for numberplate |


Standard two SU's |
Standard a single Zenith downdraught carburettor,
Alexander-kit was an option |

No idea why they changed this (MKII Sabra) |
MKI Sabra and Sabre greater "hole" for the
fuel cap, originally the caps were unlockable |


Standard wire wheels with knock-on nuts |
Pressed steel wheels with a wheel disk with "S",
wire wheels were optional. |


The round fore-wheel arches have a flare round the edge, so
the mould of bonnet and body was remade as the flare starts on the body. |
The round fore-wheel arches have a flat rim. |
Recently found out (no pictures yet) |
MKII Sabras have kind of a ribbed dashboard. |
MKI and Sabres have a smooth dashboard |
MKII Sabras have two knobs one left, one right just in front
of the doors, to unlock the motorhood. |
MK I Sabras (all?) (certainly until 200103) have one central unlocking handle (never
saw one nor a picture of it). |
First 50? Sabras had an expansion tank for the cooling
system. |
MKII Sabras have the windscreen wiper engine left, near the
brake cylinder (see pic below). |
MKI Sabras and Sabres have the windscreen wiper engine at
the right side (see below). |
MKII Sabras have a bigger brake master cylinder
reservoir and a
smaller clutch master cylinder reservoir |
Some Sabres (and some Sabras?!) have equal (3/4) brake and clutch
master cylinder reservoirs. |

All MKII- Sabras have both cludge and brake a .75-cylinder
but with bigger reservoir for the brakes. |
Some Sabras (Sabres?) have one common fluid reservoir for
master cylinders for brake and clutch (above) |


The MKII Sabras were mostly exported to Belgium |
MKI went mostly to US or stayed in UK. |